“H&T”是“HLT”的英文版,是公司名称“球盟会”(Hua Lian Tong)中文拼音首字母的缩写组合,有“以中国为中心,联通世界”的深刻含义。同时,“H&T”又恰好是英文“Honesty and Trust”的缩写,是“真诚、可信”的意思,它正好与公司的文化相契合,这是一种巧合,但无论是偶然还是必然,“球盟会”都是“真诚、可信”的公司。 “H&T” is the English version of “HLT”, short for Chinese Pinyin initials of the company name “Hua Lian Tong”, with profound significance of “China as the center, connecting the world”. Moreover, “H&T” happens to be the abbreviation of “Honesty and Trust” in English, fitting with corporate culture coincidentally, but whether accidental or inevitable, “H&T” is a “honest and trustworthy” company.